This post will be the first of probably many like it. A seemingly random thought or conversation with myself that really holds no pertinence to anything. I'm just putting it on this blog to see if it could actually be interesting. This will be the former of those two.
Like I said in one of my previous posts I'm an aspiring writer and, like most writers, I've learned to fill my free time with conversations with myself. Now I know what you're thinking. "He has conversations with himself? Must have a few screws loose." Well you can rest assured I am not crazy or a psycho or anything like that. I am a completely sane person. Don't worry. But where was I? Oh yes, conversations.
This random thought (or a series of thoughts, whichever you prefer) was about my first novel. I haven't really started writing it yet, I first need to complete the rest of what I call my "Sorta-Series", which is a few short stories, novellas, and one novel all loosely connected. This novel (with a working title I won't share until I've actually started writing it) is going to have so much back story and answer so many questions that are presented in previous works that I have to wait and see where all the details and character arcs are leading to. If I started writing now I wouldn't know who is still alive, who is dead, who has been introduced already, what events have already happened, etc.
I can't tell you in full detail all of what I was thinking about last night because if I do wind up writing and publishing all of these stories I would have to give up the twist, which I just can't do. What I was thinking about was the antagonist (the villain) and his origins which is what this series is kind of about. The Darkman is really the only consistent character through all of the books. I'm actually quite proud of the past and connections I've been able to give him. He's probably the best character I have yet to write. But then I ran into a problem, which is where these thoughts come in. This kind of how it went.
"O.k. I've hopefully created the ultimate bad guy who's going to be built up over five books. He's a serial killer, a supernatural figure, a child's nightmare in a bedtime story, and someone who ultimately gives himself completely over to evil and in return he thinks he can control evil. This of course leads to his downfall."
"Well how are you going to portray his downfall and still be scary and a threat. Serial killer movies don't scare you because in the end they're all just human. Now that you've made this guy superhuman he's scary, but how do you make him identifiable with whoever reads about him, and keep him scary?"
"Well that is quite a problem, now isn't it? What the heck am I gonna do now? I can't go back and make it different. I'd have to start from scratch."
"So what are you going to do?"
This is when it hit me.
"There is no way that you can have a good story and the antagonist not be inevitably pathetic when you get to the core of his/her being. Darth Vader being a perfect example. He is probably one of the most iconic villains of all time and when you get down and dirty he's really just an old guy who is missing an arm and a leg and most of his skin. But he's still a big villain. Davy Jones, being one of the coolest bad guys ever, all he really wanted was his true love."
"What's one more thing all great villains have in common?"
"They all have horrible backgrounds. Something happened to them that scarred them (either physically or internally) and made them come to that place where they had to make a decision on whether or not they were going to choose evil over good. They just made the wrong choice. Even Satan, when he was called Lucifer, made the wrong decision. Now granted nothing horrible happened to him to scar him before hand, but afterwards he was cast into Hell. And just like God is love Satan is evil. And I don't mean just the state of being, I mean he literally is evil personified."
Then I realized that I didn't have to change a thing. I already had all of that. And so what if when I reveal who he is it's pathetic. The Devil himself, I believe anyways, is completely pathetic when you get down to the nitty-gritty. He can't do a single thing unless it ultimately goes with God's will, which is quite a comforting thought when you think about it.So in reality I had no need to worry. And like I said, this was completely random, but I figured someone might find it interesting.
Until next time I'll be dreaming, writing, and living for Jesus.