About Me

My photo
Fl., United States
I'm a conservative christian. I live in a house with two of my four brothers and my mom and dad. I'm an aspiring writer and I like to fill my time with reading books, writing what I can, and playing the guitar. I also enjoy spending time with my friends at church and having fun. In a nutshell...dreaming, writing, living for Jesus.

My Favorite Authors

  • Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Stephen King, Robert Liparulo, Michael Chrichton, J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins, Richard Matheson.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Random Thought

This post will be the first of probably many like it. A seemingly random thought or conversation with myself that really holds no pertinence to anything. I'm just putting it on this blog to see if it could actually be interesting. This will be the former of those two.
Like I said in one of my previous posts I'm an aspiring writer and, like most writers, I've learned to fill my free time with conversations with myself. Now I know what you're thinking. "He has conversations with himself? Must have a few screws loose." Well you can rest assured I am not crazy or a psycho or anything like that. I am a completely sane person. Don't worry. But where was I? Oh yes, conversations.
This random thought (or a series of thoughts, whichever you prefer) was about my first novel. I haven't really started writing it yet, I first need to complete the rest of what I call my "Sorta-Series", which is a few short stories, novellas, and one novel all loosely connected. This novel (with a working title I won't share until I've actually started writing it) is going to have so much back story and answer so many questions that are presented in previous works that I have to wait and see where all the details and character arcs are leading to. If I started writing now I wouldn't know who is still alive, who is dead, who has been introduced already, what events have already happened, etc.
I can't tell you in full detail all of what I was thinking about last night because if I do wind up writing and publishing all of these stories I would have to give up the twist, which I just can't do. What I was thinking about was the antagonist (the villain) and his origins which is what this series is kind of about. The Darkman is really the only consistent character through all of the books. I'm actually quite proud of the past and connections I've been able to give him. He's probably the best character I have yet to write. But then I ran into a problem, which is where these thoughts come in. This kind of how it went.
"O.k. I've hopefully created the ultimate bad guy who's going to be built up over five books. He's a serial killer, a supernatural figure, a child's nightmare in a bedtime story, and someone who ultimately gives himself completely over to evil and in return he thinks he can control evil. This of course leads to his downfall."
"Well how are you going to portray his downfall and still be scary and a threat. Serial killer movies don't scare you because in the end they're all just human. Now that you've made this guy superhuman he's scary, but how do you make him identifiable with whoever reads about him, and keep him scary?"
"Well that is quite a problem, now isn't it? What the heck am I gonna do now? I can't go back and make it different. I'd have to start from scratch."
"So what are you going to do?"
This is when it hit me.
"There is no way that you can have a good story and the antagonist not be inevitably pathetic when you get to the core of his/her being. Darth Vader being a perfect example. He is probably one of the most iconic villains of all time and when you get down and dirty he's really just an old guy who is missing an arm and a leg and most of his skin. But he's still a big villain. Davy Jones, being one of the coolest bad guys ever, all he really wanted was his true love."
"What's one more thing all great villains have in common?"
"They all have horrible backgrounds. Something happened to them that scarred them (either physically or internally) and made them come to that place where they had to make a decision on whether or not they were going to choose evil over good. They just made the wrong choice. Even Satan, when he was called Lucifer, made the wrong decision. Now granted nothing horrible happened to him to scar him before hand, but afterwards he was cast into Hell. And just like God is love Satan is evil. And I don't mean just the state of being, I mean he literally is evil personified."
Then I realized that I didn't have to change a thing. I already had all of that. And so what if when I reveal who he is it's pathetic. The Devil himself, I believe anyways, is completely pathetic when you get down to the nitty-gritty. He can't do a single thing unless it ultimately goes with God's will, which is quite a comforting thought when you think about it.So in reality I had no need to worry. And like I said, this was completely random, but I figured someone might find it interesting.
Until next time I'll be dreaming, writing, and living for Jesus.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Now?

Well I'm a senior this year which means a lot of different things. First of all it means I have to get a job. Yay, yippee, hurray for me, right? Well it's not that bad really. I've filled out a few applications and heard back from none of them, but I still have a few more places on my list, so I'm not too disappointed. I just need one before the fall and it will be next to impossible to find one after summer break.

The fact that I'm a senior also means that I will be out of school and into college. I guess I could also say it like this. I'm jumping out of the pan and into the burner. But that's o.k. too because I have what a lot of other people unfortunately don't. It's the default Sunday school answer; Jesus!Besides get an education, my main goal at Lake Sumter (I know there are those of you gagging when I say that name) will to hopefully shine brightly enough for my fellow students and teachers to see that there's something different.

Well this morning our church had a senior recognition service. We each got up in front of the congregation and said our names and gave a little speech. Everyone tells me I did a good job, but after saying my name I really don't remember too much of what I said. I was sort of nervous, but like I said, everyone told me what a good job I did.

You never really know how many people care about you and are supporting you until something like this comes up. It seemed like the whole church came up to me and shook my hand and told me how proud they were. I was able to hold back from crying during my little speech thingy, which I was kind of surprised about since I'm pretty emotional. I think everyone else cried, or came close to it, when they talked. I know I came close. Oh well, it was all good. If you want to see pictures I'm sure you could find some in the blog "A Glance Into my World."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Yeah, it Mother's Day! This post will be kind of short sine I only want to do one thing. The following is for my mom and remember that I write books, not poems. So bear with me.

"Well once again it's Mother's Day~

And Mommy, there's just one thing that I want to say~

I wish there was more than one day a year~

Where we can celebrate the women we hold dear~

The woman who cooked me soup while I was sick~

The woman who taught me which friends to pick~

The woman who showed me Jesus for a friend~

So now I know I will see her again~

Even though there were five of us boys~

You could keep us laughing without games or toys~

You gave us the chance to make our own choice~

But with our decisions you still had a motherly strong voice~

Now today there's just one thing that I want to do~

I want to show you, Mommy, how much I love you."

Well I hope that wasn't to sappy for your taste, but that's just the way I feel. Like I said, I'm no poet, but what I wrote came straight from my heart. Until next time...I'll be dreaming, writing, and living for Jesus.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The End of the Road (when is it coming?)

Well good morning. Today is going to be one of those days where I can't wait for it to end. Well...maybe just the first half, that is. We're going to be leaving for a funeral at 9:30 I believe that will be taking place up in Lakeland.

I'm glad we're going, in a sense. My Aunt really needs it. She just lost her mother (who had been suffering from Alzheimer's) just a few weeks ago. She barely had any time to start coping with that when her ex-husband got in a motorcycle accident on May 7. When he got to the hospital, his biggest worry would be his career ending, which is a pretty big thing. You see, he was a police officer, but he had broken some of his ribs and I believe his ankle as well. But after they did some tests they found that his lung was punctured and his heart was bruised. Then he had a stroke. The doctors then put him under for something else, but I can't remember. Perhaps to see the full extent of the damage done to his internal organs. Anyway, while this was happening his heart stopped. They tried to massage it, but they were unable to get it beating again. All of this within four hours. Absolutely amazing isn't it.
The day that this had happened was Wednesday and we were on our way to The Daughter of the King's house. We got the call right before we left that he had died. We got in the car and five minutes into the drive I had this nagging feeling that I needed to turn on the radio. The first song that played went something like this,
"There's a cross on the side of the road where a mother lost her son,
how could she know that the morning he left would be the last time, she'd trade with him for a little more time
So she could say she loved him one last time
And hold him tight,
But with life we never know when we're coming up to the end of the road,
So what do we do then, with tragedy around the bend?"
I listened to the words in amazement. I could believe that one particular song was playing when I turned on the radio. Then again, I wasn't really the one who decided to turn on the radio, now was I? The hand of God had nudged my mind and therefore my hand. "Why did He do that?" one might ask. I believe He did that so I could write about it here and hopefully someone who needs to hear this will read it.
Another question that could be asked is "What do we do with death around the corner?" That same song has the answer: "We live, we love, we forgive and never give up. Because the days we are given are gifts from a above and today we were given to live and to love." This is so true. How different would we look at our loved ones if we thought about how we could lose them in the blink of an eye. I know my perspective would be very different.
So the ultimate question would be this: "When is the end of the road coming?" The truth is no one knows except God Himself. So let this be a lesson to you (I know it was for me). First of all, God can use anything for the good, even the death of a loved one. Second, live like your only have one day left everyday, so that there will be no regrets on what you've said or done. I know that if I had died on Wednesday I would have had regrets. Would you? Even more so, do you know where you would have gone if had died?
Until next time I'll be dreaming, writing, living for Jesus.

Friday, May 9, 2008

First Shot

Well, as the title implies, this would be my first try at a blog of any kind. The closest I've ever come to this before was when I put "My Interests" on a Facebook account. I hope the things you red her will help you in some way or another. Either to lift you up on a down day, or even possibly give you a little insight on a matter you you are dealing with. Or maybe you would just like to read what a goofy guy like me has to say for the day. Whichever it is I'm glad I can help.

You might recognize my pseudonym (I believe that would be the right term for this) from another blog entitled "A Glance into My World". The Steps mentioned in that blog and I are one and the same. I don't know when I'll put up a profile picture. I've recently sustained a wound to the face in a somewhat embarrassing accident. Perhaps Lady G will tell that story in one of her blogs. Maybe in a week or so it will heal up and I can get the picture.

What this blog in its entirety will be about I have no idea. I do know, though, that I will have a private blog set up where only the people I know personally and trust will be able to read some of my work I've been doing over the past few years. Like it says in my profile description thing I like to write and I plan on being a writer for my profession. The only problem that I am facing with that is getting published. It seems that the saying "Money makes the world go 'round" is partly true. When you publish something you're using the magazine's or book's materials, therefore you must pay for those materials. When you begin to add the cost of mailing the manuscript (which must be first printed off of the computer with ink and paper that usually seem to disappear quickly) in a manila envelope overnight with the payment of being published you find that at the beginning you spend almost as much as you are going to make. That is until you become a name on the best seller's list. Once there it seems the worst thing to look out for are ridiculous critics.

Well I chased that rabbit more than I expected. You'll find that I do that a lot. Oh well, I'll try to stay away from doing that as much as possible (which probably won't be very much, ; ) ).

One other thing you'll find is that these blog entries will more than likely be shorter than most. I seem to be able to express what I want to say in little time. I guess that might be a good thing. I also don't know if this will read like most other blogs. I've never really read one where it rambles on about really nothing. I'll try to keep these entries interesting. How I'll do this I don't know, but I will try my best.

Well that's all for now, until next time you'll find me dreaming, writing, and living for Jesus. Farewell.