About Me

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Fl., United States
I'm a conservative christian. I live in a house with two of my four brothers and my mom and dad. I'm an aspiring writer and I like to fill my time with reading books, writing what I can, and playing the guitar. I also enjoy spending time with my friends at church and having fun. In a nutshell...dreaming, writing, living for Jesus.

My Favorite Authors

  • Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Stephen King, Robert Liparulo, Michael Chrichton, J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins, Richard Matheson.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Sweet Heart

I don’t believe I’ve done this kind of an entry before. Hopefully it will be the first of many. I want to dedicate this blog entry to my sweet heart, Daughter of the King. This’ll just be a few tidbits about us.

The first story I want to share is actually kind of embarrassing. This happened about a month ago (I think, anyway). I had gotten this email and I thought it was from Daughter of the King. But you see her email address and her mom’s email address both start with the same word. So, hasty me just clicked on reply and began to write an e-mail back. Now I didn’t say anything bad (I can’t really think of anything I’d say to her that couldn’t in front of her parents), but I did proceed to call her “honey” and “baby” and “sweetie” and all that jazz and ended it with a few X’s and O’s. Well it turned out that I had accidentally sent it to her mom. At least Mrs. Lady G was a good sport about the whole thing (in her next e-mail she called me honey and that made me laugh). How I found this out was almost as funny. I was talking with Daughter of the King over the phone and asked her if she had gotten my e-mail. She said no and this perplexed me. I knew for sure I had sent it. Then she asked if I could hold on a second. I said of course. Apparently her mom had told her to come here. Well she took the phone with her and in five seconds all I could hear was laughing and Daughter of the King exclaims, “Mom! How did you?...” And that was when it hit me. I had noticed that the e-mail sounded a little too formal. I was like sweating, thinking about what I was going to do. Now that I look back on it I don’t know why I was so worried. But yeah, that was funny…afterwards.

Another time (this wasn’t embarrassing) me and my family went to the west coast for the day. I asked if Daughter of the King could come and her parents said yes. I was sooooo excited. Well we spent the day at the beach and we had fun looking for seashells and sand dollars. And the water was great. We spent the day on the beach until the sun went down. She and I got some great pictures of us in the sunset. It was great. Then we went to the bathrooms and changed. I got done before Daughter of the King so I just sat against the stall outside waiting. I can’t really remember what I was thinking about, but when she walked out I know it flew from my mind in a hurry. I don’t know what it was, but in the fading light of the day (magic hour) she was magnificent. She was in a pink tan-top and Capri’s (nothing revealing mind you) and she was just gorgeous. I just kind of stared at her for a moment, and then she chuckled and asked me what was wrong. I told her what she looked like and she just smiled and shook her head. After this we (my family included) took a walk down the pier and it was wonderful. We walked and laughed together. The whole time, all I could think of was how much I love her. I find that’s all I can think of more and more lately.

Well I could think of a thousand other things to share with you, but I have to start getting ready to leave soon. But I just wanted you (whoever you may be) to know just how awesome and incredible Daughter of the King is.

This is for Mrs. Lady G and her Knight (I don’t know what his actual pen name is). Thank you so much for letting me develop this relationship with your daughter. I know that you realize how much of a blessing she is, and I couldn’t ever imagine having to deal with letting her go. I know you approve of me or I wouldn’t be having these wonderful experiences with her. (Personally I don’t think I’m good enough for her, but she apparently sees something in me and you do as well.) Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

This is for Daughter of the King. I love you so much darling. I promise to protect you with everything I have and everything I am. I will strive to be the best, man, brother in Christ, and friend I can be for you. I love you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My whenever-I-feel-like-it book review

Well I’ve decided to start something on here (hopefully I’ll keep up with it). I’m going to put up my own reviews of books. I’m going to have to put this message up every time so the nincompoops who love to say things like “The author doesn’t feel that way” or “The publisher doesn’t feel like that” or “You’re not qualified to say things like that” or (my personal favorite) “That’s not what the author was thinking when he wrote that”. Yes I have heard all of these complaints. Ergo, (wow, I’ve never used that word before) I need to write this.

The feelings or thoughts of the author(s) and/or publisher(s) of the book being reviewed are not expressed here. These are simply the thoughts of the author of the review itself.

There, now that that’s been taken care of we can move on to bigger and better things. This review will be on Stephen King’s The Stand (Uncut and Unedited). Now if you’re not a Stephen King fan, hold it! Do not exit this site yet. At least read some of the review. The common misconception of Stephen King is that he only writes gory, scary stuff. This is nowhere near the truth. Yes, he does write some gory things, like in Misery. Do we all remember the famous breaking the legs with a sledge hammer scene? What actually happens in the books makes this pale in comparison. She chops his foot off with a dull ax and then cauterizes it with one of those propane torches. All while he’s wide awake! Then later she cuts his thumb off with a mini power saw. There are a couple more gory things in this book, but they’re not gratuitously drawn out. In fact the chopping off of the thumb is skipped over and is told while he’s thinking of using the space bar on a type writer. The scary things, well I’ll get to that when I get into my review. The fact of the matter is he tells a story, not about ghouls and ghosts, but about people, people with regular problems. Like in the Shining. Jack is a former teacher who has a drinking problem. How many American’s alone have this problem? The story is about him dealing with this and overcoming it. It is just by happenstance that he has to do that inside a haunted hotel. (Quick note: if your only experience with The Shining is the version with Jack Nicholson then you have been greatly deprived. They could have named this movie Haunting and given the characters different names and no one would have thought it had anything to do with the book. Order the six hour version written by Stephen King himself.) One director said it perfectly, “Steve doesn’t write about the monster in the closet, he writes about the people who own the house which the monster’s closet is in.” Now I can move on to the review itself. You can leave now. I’ve had my say.

The Stand (Uncut and Unedited) is 1,141 pages long, possibly longer if you get the hardback version. It’s his longest and probably his best book. At least according to some people. I personally think IT was his best, but oh well.

This book starts out in a little military base in Washington State, I believe, where they are working on a biological weapon. Well due to unseen events the virus breaks loose and one man gets out of the base and travels east. Now the virus is 99.9% communicable. This means that .1% of everyone they come in contact with will be immune. Then the people they give it to will give it to whomever they come into contact with and so on and so forth. So you can see how this could affect the world. Steve sticks with America to keep it simple (haha, simple is one word I wouldn’t use to describe this book). It’s all about people having to deal with their problems when, by coincidence, the super flu hits. One man is dealing with debt and running from loan sharks. One girl has to deal with being pregnant before marriage. One man doesn’t even seem to have any problems; he simply works at a gas station. Another man gets caught up with a psychopath and gets put in jail (imagine being locked up when most of the world dies). And last of all is a woman who is 118 and chosen by God to lead the survivors. Now polar to her is That Dark Man, or Randall Flagg. He is the imp of Satan and wants to pretty much take over the world. Well the story unfolds as the people gather to the two different forces. So on the outside you could say it’s an epic battle between God and the devil. Which is what it’s about, but it’s filled with characters and events I don’t think a single person could hold in their minds while staying sane. I don’t suggest letting anyone under fourteen read it due to some content, but if they’re interested and you think they have the time for it, please let them read this book. I give it a 9/10