About Me

My photo
Fl., United States
I'm a conservative christian. I live in a house with two of my four brothers and my mom and dad. I'm an aspiring writer and I like to fill my time with reading books, writing what I can, and playing the guitar. I also enjoy spending time with my friends at church and having fun. In a nutshell...dreaming, writing, living for Jesus.

My Favorite Authors

  • Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Stephen King, Robert Liparulo, Michael Chrichton, J.R.R. Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins, Richard Matheson.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy (Part I)

Well these last two weeks of summer have been a little hectic. In this blog I’ll try to share with you what has been going on.

First off, there was Youth-i-Versity. Yes I know that’s not the right spelling, but that’s the way we spell it. Anyway, Youth-i-Versity is a week where from 7:00 to 9:00 youth gather together and have classes called tracks, in between those classes are what we call Snack ’n’ Yak where we eat whatever food is provided for that day and just talk about stuff. After the classes is the all important Lip Sync contest. This is probably my favorite part. The Lip Sync contest is where a group of people pick a band or artist and then Lip Sync to the song they pick. Now it has to be a Christian song and you get points for realism. It may sound stupid it is awesome. They hook up our sound system and put speakers everywhere so whenever they playa song it sounds like you’re in a concert. There was some pretty stiff competition. For example my friend A-ron did the song by Kirk Franklin, Stomp. Now if you have heard that song you can imagine how hard it is to lip sync to all of the stuff he says. He had gotten a couple of people and put choir robes on them to sing background. They were one the third night. My group was on the last night, Thursday. Me and four of my friends did a Third Day song that was live. That was really fun. For the first minute and forty seconds the lead singer (whom I was playing) talks. Just talks. No rhythm, nothing but talking. But I got it. I wish I could show you some pictures, but other individuals had there cameras out for that part of the night. Well we won and I’m glad because this is my last year doing this. Oh well, such is life; moving on from one phase to the next.

After the lip sync there were epic confrontations of power and might and skill... O.k. so we actually just did pogo sticking (I’m not really sure that’s a term) contests, hula hooping, jump rope, and carpet ball competitions. I came in second on both the hula hooping and pogo sticks.

Needless to say it was fun.

Friday, August 8, 2008

A New Boogeyman

This blog will be shorter then most because there’s not that much to tell. (I don’t even know why I’m posting it, perhaps to exorcise a demon or two.)

I was writing last night and it started out about an emotional memory of a character’s (now deceased) grandmother whom the character had taken care of during the last few years of her life. I began with a cousin who was a bit haughty and all that jazz. Nothing that bad, right? But when I turned around to give a little bit of background on what the grandmother went through in those last days she said something that disturbed me.

The character I had mentioned before was sleeping in bed, but was awoken with a start when she heard her grandmother screaming in the other room in the dark house. “Susie!” she had screamed. “Susie, baby! The men in the white coats are here! They’re finally here for me! Susie, please! Their hands have claws. Oh dear Lord in heaven they have claws!”

Now after I wrote this I just kind of sat back and reread it a couple of times. Then I cast a nervous glance over my shoulder into the dark living room behind me and a chill ran down my spine. Ah heck, it traveled all through my body. I finished that paragraph and shut the computer down in a hurry. Then I rushed (as quietly as possible, mind you) into the bathroom and flicked all of the lights on in there and began to brush my teeth in a hurried frenzy. After this I had to walk from the bathroom to my bedroom, which is at the opposite side of the house, through complete darkness. By now I’m sure you can imagine how my somewhat twisted mind was coming up with crazy visions of tall men in white coats hunched over in the corners and crannies with there long claws hanging by their sides. The darkness is a perfect back drop for the fantasies of the mind to play out upon. I got into my room and flicked the switch on. I don’t know about you, but this happens to me a lot. When I turned the light on I actually saw (or thought I did, anyway) one of the Clawed Men standing next to my bed in the mirror. When I turned around, of course, there was only a shirt hung on the chair.

Well like I said before I don’t really know why I posted this, but I figured I needed to get it out of my system sometime. But it seems that now I’ve discovered a new boogeyman of sorts. Hopefully I won’t get any more “visits” from them again. If so, then I’ve dealt with worse.

Until next time I’ll be dreaming, writing, living for Jesus.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Long Time No See

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it. I guess I’ll have to fill you (whoever “you” might be) in on what’s been going on with me.

Hmm…where to begin? Ah yes, “Concerning Hobbits.” Ha ha. Sorry about that, I just watched The Fellowship of the Ring and I thought it was somewhat witty. Tolkien quotes aside I’ve actually been quite busy. I’ve now come into possession of my own car which actually used to be my parents. My mother was the one who usually drove with my dad being gone at work all day so it had a bumper sticker that proclaimed proudly that “I [insert a red heart here] love my husband!” Well as you can imagine I was vary happy to finally own this car so I wouldn’t have to drive it around with that on the back anymore.

Now that I’m sitting here writing this I find that the car seems to be the center of all of my business. I needed the car to get back and forth to school (I’ll fill you in on that later) on my own. But to have a car I need money to pay for gas, which oh so painfully expensive now. Then again I did see a Seven/Eleven with the price of $3.71. Not bad when compared to the price of gas a month ago. But anyway, the issue of money brings me to my next point; a job. I was worried about finding a job near me (I live a half an hour away from the nearest Walmart, if that gives you any perspective on how much I have to travel), and the hours, trying to schedule around my classes. Whew, that’s a lot to worry about. (I know, not really. Unfortunately you can’t really tell when I’m being sarcastic with this thing, oh well, on we go.) But I got lucky. Real lucky. I got a job with a friend from church who does his own tree work business. This is more of am extra money thing for him and it’s not his actual career. He does this on Saturdays and pays me by the hour. And since we average 8 to 10 hours for one day, which fills my car twice, and I’m only going to be filling it maybe once a week you can see how that will add up. So God provided for me there.

The reason I need the car is so I can get back forth to school (as I stated earlier). Now let me fill you in on school. ­I won’t get into all of the details of financial aid. I’ll leave this simple. We sent in the information in April and didn’t get this thing resolved until yesterday. You can fill in the ridiculously large ­­gap with you imagination. Have fun with that. But I didn’t get my classes scheduled until yesterday as well. Once again I was extremely lucky (or blessed) with that. I got Tuesday and Thursday classes, Tuesday from 11:00 a.m.—6:20p.m.and then Thursday from 11:00 a.m.—9:30 p.m. And I like all but one of my classes to boot. (Go figure it’s Math). I’ll be taking College Composition I, Psychology, Elementary Algebra, (which is actually High School level Algebra) and American History (only on Thursdays).

So yeah. That’s what I’ve been doing. Until next time I’ll be dreaming, writing, and living for Jesus.